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Building Authority

Practical Steps to Build Your Authority

In previous articles I talked about why you should build authority, and I broke down the Journey to Authority into its separate stages. Here I want to talk about what it takes to move from each stage to the next. Practical Action Steps to Build Authority These are the practical action steps

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The Downside of Remaining Generalist

One thing I talk about is the huge value of niching down to a focused specialization.  Yet I know most people won’t do it, because it’s terrifying to niche down. I’ve been there. Our brains create all sorts of logical reasons why it’s not a good idea. Fight or flight:

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Authority is Not Required to be Successful

Becoming an authority in your field is not a requirement to have a successful consulting business. In fact, based on my research, I’d estimate that 90%+ of independent consultants choose not to build their authority. You can remain an “invisible expert”, unknown to all but your referral network, and have

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The Journey to Authority

In the last article, I talked about why experts like us might want to build authority, and what other options we have. Here’s what I’ve learned about the Journey to Authority over the past few years*. The Journey to Authority The Novice On the road to authority, everyone starts out

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Why Build Authority?

Have you ever looked at a leading authority and thought about how they got there? Or maybe you’ve read their best-selling book, listened to their Top 1% podcast, or watched their amazingly edited videos, and felt disheartened, because you feel a long way from being able to do that. Here’s

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