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Content Vault

Authority Labs Workbook:

Access the main workbook spreadsheet here, including:

  • Authority Content Mission
  • Content Goals & Call to Action
  • Content Forms
  • Point of View
  • Content Prompts

Use File -> Make a Copy to create an editable version for yourself

Specialization & Positioning

Authority Publishing:

Point of View

Calls to Action & the Customer Journey

Content Types


Content Types - short long and signature form

Audio-Video Quality

Your audio & video quality is more important than many believe: learn how to look good and sound good on video & podcasts with this free ebook published by Oak Tree Press:

Interesting Third-Party Resources

  • 2022 Creator Economy Benchmark Research from Joe Pulizzi
    • Full-time content creators need roughly 17 months to earn enough income to support at least one person. And they tend to bring on outside help at the 25-month mark.
    • Being a content creator is only fractionally about producing content. On average, full-time content creators spend about half their time creating content. The other half is spent on business issues like content distribution, promotion, marketing, sales, and administration/operations.