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AI Beyond the Hype

Are you overwhelmed by the hype surrounding AI? Do you struggle when it comes to figuring out the practical applications of AI in business? In this insightful solo episode of The Recognized Authority podcast, Alastair McDermott delivers a presentation to a group of business leaders, simplifying the principles ofAI and

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Thought Leadership and AI: Maintaining Authenticity and Credibility

In this episode of The Recognised Authority podcast, Alastair examines the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the world of thought leadership. Alastair shares insights from his conversations with renowned thought leaders, including Mark Schaefer, Jonathan Stark, Debbie Jenkins, and Erin Austin. The episode explores the complex balance between leveraging

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Thought Leadership Beyond the Book

Amazon is now limiting authors to a mere THREE (3!) new book uploads per DAY to curb the influx of AI-generated content flooding the market. This highlights the existential threat AI poses to thought leaders and authority builders in an age where artificial intelligence can seemingly replicate any form of

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What is the Future of Thought Leadership?

How does an aspiring thought leader worried about staying authentic and credible in the age of AI? As artificial intelligence tools become increasingly sophisticated, the question arises: can we leverage these powerful technologies without compromising our unique insights and personal touch? In this fascinating episode of The AI-Powered Thought Leader

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Man vs Machine: Where Should We Draw the Line with AI Writing Tools?

Are you worried that using AI writing tools means you didn’t actually write your own content? Where exactly should we draw the ethical line when leveraging artificial intelligence for content creation? In this thought-provoking episode of The Recognized Authority podcast, host Alastair McDermott debates these tricky questions with returning guest

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Leveraging AI in Expert Businesses

I’m excited to share a re-post of an interview I recently did on the unbillable hours podcast with Flo & Ash. We had a fascinating discussion about the practical uses of AI tools like ChatGPT in content creation and marketing. In this wide-ranging conversation, we cover when and how to

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Not a Fad: Why AI is Important for YOU

AI is transforming how experts like you work. But many resist adopting AI tools out of legitimate fears. In this episode, Alastair McDermott argues that AI is here to stay and offers practical tips on how you can harness it to increase your productivity and impact. Alastair shares examples of

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AI Policy

This is my AI usage policy when it comes to content creation, especially for my books, blog posts, and social posts, and why I think a lot of people are NUTS. First, for context I’m talking about using large language model tools like ChatGPT, Claude, Bard and Bing. I’m going

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How I Produce Quality Content in Just 2-4 Hours a Week

In this week’s episode of The Recognized Authority, I share how I create high-quality content in just 2-4 hours of my time per week. My focus is on producing quality content that resonates with my target audience on social media. I dedicate time blocks for content creation and leverage strategies

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