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My AI Blog

I’m focusing on AI right now because of the tremendous impact it’s going to have on EVERYTHING, including building authority and thought leadership. Because of that, I’ve created a new AI blog, AI podcast and I’m even writing a book about this that you might find useful: AI is transforming

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Leveraging AI in Expert Businesses

I’m excited to share a re-post of an interview I recently did on the unbillable hours podcast with Flo & Ash. We had a fascinating discussion about the practical uses of AI tools like ChatGPT in content creation and marketing. In this wide-ranging conversation, we cover when and how to

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How You Can Use AI to Help You Write

Is AI generating crud like this when you use it? “Ready to unlock the clandestine power of AI and delve into a realm of endless possibilities? In the modern digital landscape, staying ahead is the new normal, unlock the secrets of…” Wow. I hope you didn’t get any of that

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Why AI Skeptics Should Give It a Try

I understand folks who aren’t feeling the love for AI. In fact, think if I wasn’t a podcaster I might be quite a bit slower on the uptake with it myself. But because podcasting workflow has so many moving parts – depending on how you approach it – I have

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