I think of an authority platform as a high-level container that an individual authority uses to share knowledge by publishing expert content.

It’s a container for your “body-of-work”.

It can include one or more components which are sometimes referred to individually as platforms. We tend to use the word “platform” a lot in different contexts – for example, TikTok is a platform, LinkedIn is a platform, a podcast is a platform, a blog is a platform, a website is a platform.

My own authority platform consists of many different pieces:

These components work together, but the first three carry more weight than the others for me.

(I don’t suggest others replicate my approach of having so many different components to your authority platform. In fact, I advise my coaching clients “do as I say, not as I do”. Because I’m in the authority business I want to be able to speak from experience, so I continuously test out different options.)

For someone getting started, I’d recommend focusing on only a small number of those when you’re getting started.

Each component platform can have pros and cons, and even an optimal time to deploy. Writing a book can typically wait until you build an audience, but if you’re trying to establish yourself in a new niche then it might make sense to write it earlier.

Speaking of audience, that’s separate from your authority platform itself.

Your authority platform is the container for the content you share with your audience across the platforms that make sense for you.

Not all pieces may be equally relevant from person to person.

What are the components of your authority platform? Hit reply and let me know.


P.S. I just opened a few spots for the pilot of my enhanced Authority Accelerator program, starting early January. If you’re an expert in your field and  you have a high-ticket, transformative, impactful offer AND you have a commitment to integrity, i.e. you are the kind of expert who always puts your clients best interests before your own, this program might be a perfect fit for you.

Authority Accelerator is all about creating an authority-building and lead generation platform that will attract a consistent flow of high quality leads. There are only 3 spots, significantly discounted for feedback and case studies. Your commitment is around an hour a week for the first 60 days.  Interested? Hit reply to learn more. Act fast, doors close soon!