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AI-Powered Thought Leader

How AI Will Change EVERYTHING – with Justin Collery

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence? Do you wonder how AI will impact your business, your workforce, and your industry? You’re not alone! In this episode of The AI-Powered Business Leader podcast, host Alastair McDermott sits down with AI expert Justin Collery to discuss the

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How Do Business Leaders Navigate AI? with Joanna Pineda

As AI rapidly advances, business leaders face the daunting task of navigating its impacts – both the potential upsides and inevitable disruptions. In this episode of The AI-Powerered Business Leader, Alastair McDermott sits down with Joanna Pineda, CEO and “Chief Troublemaker” at Matrix Group, a digital agency serving associations and

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A Quick Note on Podcast Rename

This podcast is renaming slightly, so I’ve recorded a super short episode to explain that decision and what you can expect from this show in the future. Thanks for listening! – Alastair.

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AI Beyond the Hype: Practical Solutions for Real Businesses

Are you overwhelmed by the hype surrounding AI? Do you struggle when it comes to figuring out the practical applications of AI in business? In this insightful solo episode of The AI-Powered Business Leader, Alastair McDermott delivers a presentation to a group of business owners, simplifying the principles of AI

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AI vs. IP? A Legal Perspective on AI and Content Creation

Feeling lost in the legal complexity of AI-powered content creation? Seasoned lawyer Erin Austin shares essential insights that will empower business leaders and content creators to navigate the complex legal landscape surrounding the use of AI-powered tools for content production. She explains the complexity of legal issues surrounding AI, particularly

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Mark Schaefer on Maintaining Authenticity with AI

Is the rise of AI writing tools a blessing or a curse for thought leaders? How can you leverage AI’s power to create more content, while still maintaining an authentic personal brand? That’s the central dilemma explored in this episode of The AI-Powered Thought Leader podcast with host Alastair McDermott and guest Mark Schaefer.

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How to Stop the Credibility Crisis with Debbie Jenkins

Are you worried that using AI could undermine your hard-earned credibility as a thought leader? On this episode of The AI-Powered Thought Leader podcast, host Alastair McDermott talks to Debbie Jenkins, an expert on authentic branding and author of the book “Stop the Credibility Crisis.”

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AI and the Future of Thought Leadership

How does an aspiring thought leader worried about staying authentic and credible in the age of AI? As artificial intelligence tools become increasingly sophisticated, the question arises: can we leverage these powerful technologies without compromising our unique insights and personal touch?r.

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