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Alastair McDermott

Why Your Video Backdrop Matters: A Guide for Thought Leaders

Creating a Great Video Backdrop Video calls have probably become a cornerstone of your daily routine, whether you are meeting with clients, delivering presentations, or guesting on a podcast to discuss your latest book. And let’s be realistic — appearances matter. What’s behind you when you appear on video impacts

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Why Livestreaming?

My word of the year is “live”. Yeah, I realise it’s February and I’m a bit late to the party with that whole thing 🙂 You know how some folks take a “duvet day”? Well I did that, except I took the whole month off! That time allowed me to

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The Power of LinkedIn for Your Business with Scott Aaron

In this episode of Accelerating Your Authority, your host Alastair McDermott speaks with Scott Aaron is a best selling author, top podcast, LinkedIn Expert , and keynote speaker., Scott Aaron about The Power Of LinkedIn For Your Business. Internationally acclaimed and award-winning online marketer, 3x best-selling author, top podcaster, and speaker,

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Episode 100: Ten Tips for Building Authority

Episode 100 of The Recognized Authority This is a special episode to mark the end of Season 1 of the show. In this episode, your host Alastair McDermott shares behind-the-scenes details from the podcast. He also shares his Top Ten Tips on Building Authority, based on the conversations he has

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Business podcasting book now available

Over the past few months, I’ve been working on a book about podcasting. It’s part of Networlding Publishing’s “33 Ways” series: 33 Ways Not To Screw Up Your Business Podcast The book is now available in hardcover, paperback and ebook format. Here’s some nice things people have said about it

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Group Coaching Testimonial – Authority Labs

This is a call with a member of the Authority Labs group coaching program.  I spoke with Rene Morozowich, one of the members of Authority Labs, and I asked her about her experience being part of the group to give you a flavour of what it’s all about, and walk

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Take Imperfect Action

There are many challenges in building authority, from having a defined, focused niche to time management, to technical & tactical details. The thing I struggle with most is taking imperfect action. I think this is a great way to describe the concept, in major part because I think saying “my

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How to Develop Your Point of View

Point of view is something that can distinguish you from the crowd. It’s important, perhaps even essential, in building your authority and personal brand. It’s also one of those concepts in marketing that is frustratingly hard to define: it seems to incorporate perspective, tone, voice, positioning, branding, and – above

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Bonus Episode: Becoming a Recognized Authority

Bonus Episode: Becoming a Recognized Authority – Alastair McDermott with Tamara Howard To celebrate reaching 70 episodes, I have a special bonus episode for you! I was recently on Tamara Howard’s podcast The Better Way to Strategic Marketing where we had a conversation about authority and specialization. Tamara is a super

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How to Establish Credibility

What do recognized authorities do to establish visibility & credibility? As someone very interested in authority building, I look closely at what platforms they’re on, how they show up, and what they talk about – and how to replicate it. There are patterns. ⭐ Publishing credibility establishing content on several

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Specialization Case Study – ReeJade Richmond

Even just contemplating niching down your business can feel absolutely terrifying. That’s why I think it’s so important to hear from people who have done it successfully, and learn about the massive rewards that they are seeing. In this bonus episode, ReeJade Richmond and Alastair McDermott discuss how ReeJade niched down

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Practical Steps to Build Your Authority

In previous articles I talked about why you should build authority, and I broke down the Journey to Authority into its separate stages. Here I want to talk about what it takes to move from each stage to the next. Practical Action Steps to Build Authority These are the practical action steps

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The Downside of Remaining Generalist

One thing I talk about is the huge value of niching down to a focused specialization.  Yet I know most people won’t do it, because it’s terrifying to niche down. I’ve been there. Our brains create all sorts of logical reasons why it’s not a good idea. Fight or flight:

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Authority is Not Required to be Successful

Becoming an authority in your field is not a requirement to have a successful consulting business. In fact, based on my research, I’d estimate that 90%+ of independent consultants choose not to build their authority. You can remain an “invisible expert”, unknown to all but your referral network, and have

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The Journey to Authority

In the last article, I talked about why experts like us might want to build authority, and what other options we have. Here’s what I’ve learned about the Journey to Authority over the past few years*. The Journey to Authority The Novice On the road to authority, everyone starts out

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Why Build Authority?

Have you ever looked at a leading authority and thought about how they got there? Or maybe you’ve read their best-selling book, listened to their Top 1% podcast, or watched their amazingly edited videos, and felt disheartened, because you feel a long way from being able to do that. Here’s

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What is your Owner’s Intent?

What is your Owner’s Intent? (I’ll come back to that in a moment.) Speaking of intention, there’s a funny scene in Star Trek TNG where Data walks in on Riker kissing his daughter (yep), and says to him “Commander, what is your intention toward my daughter?” Yeah, you can probably

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