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Alastair McDermott

When referrals are dangerous

When I researched building authority as a marketing strategy, I surveyed over 1,000 consultants at firms sized 1-200. Referrals are the number one source of leads for independent consultants and firms sized 2-10, 11-50, AND firms sized 51-200. The main reason that consultants rely so heavily on referrals for business

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Important/Not Urgent

What’s the common thread here? Read Exercise Write a book Start a podcast Choose healthy food Spend time with family Catch up with old friends For many these are in the Important/Not Urgent quadrant. They don’t demand immediate attention. They have payoffs far in the future. Often they’re uncomfortable. Put

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The challenge of regular content creation

I wrote about the huge benefit of having a platform where you can invite someone to share your stage. This ability to invite and showcase a guest is a major benefit of podcasting as a component in your overall authority platform, and a super-power for networking. There’s another major benefit

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Share my platform – the best connection request

There’s a massive benefit from creating a podcast that you don’t get with most other platforms: the power of invitation. I speak to a lot of experts and thought leaders about the choices they have when building their authority platform. And I’m very pro-podcasting, for a number of reasons. The

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The risks of relying only on “owned” channels

Yesterday, I highlighted the risks of over-dependence on social media platforms. Now let’s talk about “owned” channels, like your website, your email list, and your podcast. You own these channels yourself, and the major advantage is that you have complete control over these platforms. However, it’s important to understand the

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The dangers of over-relying on social platforms

Yesterday, I wrote about an authority platform as a container for your authority-building content, your body-of-work. One major consideration when thinking about what components (or “sub-platforms” or “channels”) to use within your authority platform is ownership. When you build a profile on a social media platform, like LinkedIn, Facebook, or

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A container for your body-of-work

I think of an authority platform as a high-level container that an individual authority uses to share knowledge by publishing expert content. It’s a container for your “body-of-work”. It can include one or more components which are sometimes referred to individually as platforms. We tend to use the word “platform”

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What is the minimum viable authority platform?

There are many options you can choose as a platform to build your authority. Here’s what I consider to be the “minimum viable authority platform”. A reminder: an authority platform is a trusted and respected source of information that is created when an expert is present in a space, publishing,

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Authority platforms

An authority platform is a trusted and respected source of information. It’s created when an expert is present in a space, publishing, educating, and being a source of knowledge. Marcus Sheridan answered customer questions on his website, massively growing his business to dominate his industry. David C. Baker, alongside his

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How to Build Authority with YouTube with Salma Jafri

Are you looking to build your personal brand, authority and influence as a consultant, coach or expert? Wondering how to leverage YouTube to attract more of your ideal clients? In this episode of The Recognized Authority, Alastair McDermott interviews YouTube strategist and coach Salma Jafri on how to grow your

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Man vs Machine: Where Should We Draw the Line with AI Writing Tools?

Are you worried that using AI writing tools means you didn’t actually write your own content? Where exactly should we draw the ethical line when leveraging artificial intelligence for content creation? In this thought-provoking episode of The Recognized Authority podcast, host Alastair McDermott debates these tricky questions with returning guest

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How to Grow Your List To 50,000 Subscribers with Brennan Dunn

Tired of working every hour delivering custom services on hourly rates? Wish your subscribers felt more valued and engaged? Renowned online entrepreneur Brennan Dunn joins host Alastair McDermott to share his journey from agency work to selling digital products. After building a successful consultancy, Brennan yearned for something scalable. He

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How to Hire a Virtual Assistant

Do you find yourself constantly working late nights and weekends trying to juggle a million different tasks for your business? As a solopreneur, it’s tough trying to do everything yourself. Most of my clients are independent consultants and experts. They are single-person businesses, and many of them don’t want to

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Leveraging AI in Expert Businesses

I’m excited to share a re-post of an interview I recently did on the unbillable hours podcast with Flo & Ash. We had a fascinating discussion about the practical uses of AI tools like ChatGPT in content creation and marketing. In this wide-ranging conversation, we cover when and how to

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Not a Fad: Why AI is Important for YOU

AI is transforming how experts like you work. But many resist adopting AI tools out of legitimate fears. In this episode, Alastair McDermott argues that AI is here to stay and offers practical tips on how you can harness it to increase your productivity and impact. Alastair shares examples of

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How to Stand out in a Crowded Marketplace

Do you feel like just another face in the crowd? In today’s crowded marketplace blending in can spell disaster if you want to attract ideal clients and increase your impact. You need to learn how to differentiate yourself and become the only choice. In this episode of The Recognized Authority,

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How You Can Use AI to Help You Write

Is AI generating crud like this when you use it? “Ready to unlock the clandestine power of AI and delve into a realm of endless possibilities? In the modern digital landscape, staying ahead is the new normal, unlock the secrets of…” Wow. I hope you didn’t get any of that

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